Spiritual Growth and Development
When we grow spiritually our perceptions/mindsets change, our hearts are filled with love and forgiveness, and we are able to make choices which will produce peace, love, joy, and move us into our destiny. Spiritual growth and development brings about a positive change in our life. We become optimistic and positive in life but also become calmer and peaceful. This growth helps us to deal with negativity around us. As we grow spiritually, our attitude toward life also changes for the better in a number of ways. Most of our problems stem from our own perceptions and expectations of ourselves and of the world. Spirituality and inner engineering may not help you to change the world but it definitely helps you to change the way you perceive the world. Spiritual growth is also characterized by a growing connection with God and hence prayers play an important part in spiritual growth and development. In addition, the importance of meditation is revealed and practiced. Through our Psychology of Me program we help people develop a deep understanding of who they really are and how they can grow internally.

Project PLJ is committed to creating pathways to peace, love, and joy through a variety of programming designed to develop your mind, soul, and heart. Life is a journey. A journey of heart-ache and happiness; joy and pain; struggles and triumphs. Everyone’s journey is unique; yet we all share the common desire to live a life of success. Prosperity, good health, successful relationships, and love are a few aspects of success. Through the education system and the family structure people acquire the life skills needed to achieve these various types of success. Whether it be related to deficiencies in the family structure or education system, unfortunately many people often are not equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to lead a successful and happy life. Project PLJ is here to help!
Life Coaching & Mentoring
Like a therapist, a life coach or mentor is someone who can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and overcome obstacles holding you back. Coaching is about helping people identify the obstacles that keep getting in their way, assisting them with finding motivation, and pinpointing any resistance to change. Our coaching and mentoring programs are designed for individuals, couples, and families.
Mediation is an informal dispute resolution process guided by a mediator. The mediator guides the participants toward achieving their own resolution. The mediation process is held jointly and separately with participants. The mediator assists the parties with clearly defining their issues, understanding each other’s point of view, then moving the parties forward toward a peaceful resolution. Mediators manage conflict by using an impartial person to help the participant resolve their disagreements. Mediations are accomplished to ease tensions within families, friendships, or the workplace before the disagreement escalates into something damaging. The goal of the mediation process is to bring peace, love, and joy back into relationships.
Youth Services
The Young Services program assist and empower all systems that support youth/young adults. Our program is sufficient to empower individuals who have aged out of foster care, human trafficking victims, parents having problems with their children. The program is designed to prepare youth/young adults to become successful, self-sufficient, and independent adults.